Church Encourages Children to bring 5$ Bills to ‘Tip’ Drag Queens Following Sunday Drag Performance
A church in Alberta is encouraging children to bring with them a 5$ bill to church, so they can tip the drag queens
A church in Alberta is encouraging children to bring with them a 5$ bill to church, so they can tip the drag queens who will be reading to them in a drag queen story hour directly following the service.
Led by Re.v Trish Schmermund, the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)- basically the Canadian version of the ELCA. It has long been regarded as one of the most progressive in the country. According to the church website:
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is a diverse and growing parish community….We seek to be an affirming place for all including LGBTQ2SIA+, life-long Christians and newcomers to the faith (please see our Welcome Statement.)
….This church does not silence people, in fact, encourages us to be loud and proud. Holy Spirit is welcoming and really welcomes all! The washrooms are amazing, non-gendered, and nice and warm in the winter. If you’re looking for conversation, both pastors have ears to listen and wisdom to share.”
Fun fact. As a personal note, this writer attended there for a month or so, almost 20 years ago, as a newer believer. After they announced a same-sex wedding occurring in the church later that weekend I ghosted them
H/t The Dissenter.