Charlie Dates Blasts White Evangelicals and Their ‘Black-Raping Grandparents’ For Insisting They Vote Republican
Charlie Dates is the pastor of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, a former ERLC and TGC contributor, and a former SBC Executive Committee panel memberr. He left the Southern Baptist Convention a couple of years ago on account of their failure to embrace Critical Race Theory while claiming that current worship wongs are enslaver/ captor songs.
He also attacked other Black Christians as sell-outs for saying things like “I’m Christian before I’m Black,” said the SBC “don’t need Black Faces with White Theology/voices/ideas leading the convention,” and invited Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot to preach at his church, who came and attended with her lesbian ‘wife.’
This was when he wasn’t describing the SBC as a bunch of racists that will never change, calling some black SBC pastors mere “tokens” or “assimilators,” and calling SBC seminaries “vestiges of racial animus.
During a recent sermon, Dates blasted white folk who have been criticizing the black church for their propensity to overwhelmingly vote for Democratic candidates, saying that they and their black-women-raping relatives should be ashamed for telling them who to vote for:
It was largely white evangelical churches that has propped up the most immoral president that we have had in living memory as the golden child of the church. And then they had the audacity to be quiet when Laquan McDonald was murdered, when George Floyd and Breonna Taylor were shot down. Some of them have said to me, ‘I ain’t done nothing racist, Charlie. I’ve not said anything wrong. Look, I’m over a big Bible institute’
And I had to say to them in return, ‘yeah you might not have said nothing wrong but you ain’t said nothing right either.’ And the moment you won’t speak up for us we’re all in trouble. And now it’s those same white pulpits down in Louisiana and everywhere else that wants to tell us that the Republican Party is the only Christian to vote. You can’t hinder us from getting the right to vote and then we get in and tell us who to vote for.Shame on you and your daddy and your granddaddy and your great granddaddy and all the black women they raped. Shame on you! Shame on you for not giving a damn about how people can live in the world but want to condemn and damn us for standing up for ourselves. Shame on you!