Charismatic Prophetess Reveals that The Trinity Have Physical Bodies in Heaven + Made of Rainbow and Fire
This frootloop never stops...
When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, she’s explaining that God and the Holy Spirit have physical bodies that they inhabit in heaven.
Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 49 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she reveals:
I do know that the Lord Himself can appear as different beings and people. He himself appears as anything he wants to. I think the father probably could really do that too. But the Holy Spirit operates (unintelligible) Holy Spirit are so different.
Now when it says ‘Let Us make man in our image after our likeness’, ‘their image’ is that they have a body, right? So we have a God and they all have a body, Father, Son, Holy Spirit they all, even though the Holy Spirit’s invisible, he totally has a body. He has a torso, he has arms, he has legs, he has a head. And some people try to make him something else, but he actually does. We were made in their image because we have bodies.
Steve Shultzs is LOVING this, and continues to download this word of knowledge.
Their likeness is how they operate. Now, he didn’t say it was just one kind of likeness, they each have different ways they operate individually. Their specialty, or the thing they manifest when they come to the earth or they operate in heaven, I have to say the strangest one would be Holy Spirit. Even his appearance, you never know how he’s going to appear.
You’re going to hear winds, electromagnetic winds coming, and then he’ll come whirling in your room, and you’ll see the outline of his being. But he’s got a fire coming up out of all the parts of his body. Or you see waves of light or the colors of God, the rainbow coming off of him, it can engulf you. It can feel like you’re going to melt sometimes, he’s about to invade this earth without permission. He’s going to touch all flesh. …That’s why they call (Jesus) the drama King in heaven.
Shultz: I love that about him!