Charismatic Prophet Claims he ‘Spoke a Squirrel into Existence’
Next week he's going to try for a racoon?
Bobby Conner is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic network, chaired by NAR warlord Che Ahn. After spending 27 years as a Southern Baptist pastor, he founded Eagles View Ministries. According to his website:
Bobby’s prophetic words—life-changing encouragement and exhortation for individuals, churches, regions, and nations—are documented world-over for their precision, accuracy, humor and transformational power. Supernatural demonstrations of the miraculous, including physical and emotional healings, deliverance, signs, and wonders, follow Bobby’s prophetic ministry wherever he goes
From the perspective of biblically literate people, Hhe’s known for making stuff up all the time, from claiming he was at ‘prophet’ Bob Jones’ house when NASA called and asked Jones to look into space for them and “tell us what you see” because they knew he could see farther into space than they could, to claiming Jesus took him into the ‘second heaven, which is where “the devil formulates his wicked schemes” and where he saw a some ‘evil twin demon beings’ whose mission it was to “attack Christian leadership’s communication.”
Despite this, he is well-respected in charismatic circles and hobnobs at conferences with all the bigwigs, such as Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Jim Bakker, Chuck Pierce, Kevin Zadai, James Goll, Jeremiah Johnson, etc.
In this case, he claims he made a squirrel by speaking it into existence:
Animals can communicate to you, they really can. I could tell you some stories that are pretty wild, you wanna hear a wild story? There’s some little books about William Branham (Editor’s Note. Super false prophet who is well-known in the Latter Rain movement. He denied the Trinity and was supposed to be the one to restore the church to the true apostolic faith, but then died in a car accident in 1965) …and I was reading one of those little blue books about Branham and it says that one day he spoke a squirrel into existence.
…So I’m down. I’m down in the East Texas woods. Trees are 100 feet tall. And I’m down there and I’m hunting, I’m deer hunting, I’m sitting on the ground with my back up against a tree about the size of a telephone pole like this. And I’m sitting there and the furthest thing from my mind was Branham’s little blue book.
And the Lord said to me ‘Bobby, what do you think about William Branham and speaking that squirrel into existence?’ And I said, just like this, ‘oh, I know it’s true’. And then he says to me, ‘you know, I’m no respecter of persons.’
See that’s how I got most of my gifts from God. I found it in the Bible and then I’d say to God, ‘you’re no respecter of persons. if you spoke to Moses, face to face as a friend communicates, you can do it to Bobby’ and that’s how I get most of my experiences, I’d hold that against God, ‘you’re no respecter of persons.’
..Well, I got a sick feeling. I said, ‘oh, yeah’ and then I’m trying to change the subject…and he said to me, again, ‘you know, I’m no respecter of persons.’ Oh, man. It was such a tense moment. My heart was beating so hard it was pushing me away from the tree like. And then he said, over there, there was a little sapling of a tree with a limb about six feet high off the ground.
And he said, ‘I want you to do the same thing’. I had no faith for it at all. And I’m trying to beg him out of it because don’t feel equipped to do that. So he said, ‘No, no, I’m no respecter of persons’. And I had to speak a squirrel into existence and one appeared, and then it appeared, and I watched it for a moment, and it disappeared. Then the Lord said to me ‘Don’t you ever tell me you believe something when you don’t.’
See, I believed it for William Branham, but I didn’t believe it for Bobby.”
h/t to Revealing Truth for the vioe clip.