“Canyon Critter”-‘Coach’ Willie Douglass Gives Voting Advice on House District 8-Y’all Listen Up
There are two types of Republicans
Dear Editor,
There are two types of Republicans; one who tows the party line and votes accordingly, let’s call them “Country Club Republicans.”
The other type is one who thinks for themselves and will deviate from the party line when necessary to remain true to their convictions. Let’s call them “True Hearts.”
In the battle for HD8, we find three acceptable candidates: Terry Falk, Mark Twichel, and David Dunn. Of the good three, in my opinion, there is one “True Heart,”; namely David Dunn. His performance in the 2018-2020 legislative session shows his consistency in voting in support of his Christian Constitutionalist values. We need an independent thinker in “The People’s House” over there in Helena.
These three are all good Montanans, but David (Davey Crockett) Dunn is a cut above the rest. I may be “nothin more than a nachral-born fool” from the Canyon, but I know a straight shooter when I see one.
Coach Willie Douglass
Hungry Horse
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