Canadian Church Still Facing $1.3M in Fines For Denying COVID Inspector’s Entrance to Service
The prosecutor in the case is Karen Thorsrud- the same lawyer that went to battle to keep James Coates locked up.
Though Covid restrictions have all but disappeared in Alberta, the province where Pastors James Coates and Tim Stephens once spent over 30 days in prison and had their churches shut down for refusing to cease gathering for church, one church that defied some of the restrictions is facing over a million dollars in fines- and it’s a case they very well may lose. According to Rebel News:
(Pastrix) Tracy Fortin and the church stand accused of preventing a provincial health inspector from barging in to inspect the church as Sunday services were ongoing. The inspector had gained access to the church on two previous Sundays, which Fortin and her husband, Pastor Rodney Fortin, say disrupted the services and caused distress to congregants.
The inspector testified that she did stand in the sanctuary of the church and observed people praying, singing and worshipping but did not cause disruption.
The inspector also testified that she was part of a joint task force of municipal bylaw officers and Alberta Health Services officials whose job was to check churches for COVID compliance. Photographic evidence taken bylaw officers of people engaged in active worship and prayer was entered into evidence on Wednesday.
The prosecutor in the case is Karen Thorsrud- the same lawyer that went to battle to keep James Coates locked up. She has requested and received anonymity in the courtroom, and the ‘right’ not to have her name mentioned during the trial, but we don’t care what she says and name her anyways.
Thorsrud is arguing that the church is a public place, and therefore had to have complied with the public health inspector’s request for entry, along with the bylaw officers, while the church is insisting that the church is a private institution and was never presented with a court order to attain access.
The Judge will make their ruling on April 29th.
While we don’t recognize such thing as a female pastor (pastrix) which Tracy purports to be, her words ought to shame every man who shut their church down.