Canada’s Socialist Dictator, Justin Trudeau, Bans All Handguns in Canada
The girly man tyrant strikes again
In what should be a sign of things to come if the Democrats ever attain significant power to implement their wish list of wicked policies, Justin Trudeau, the socialist dictator of our neighbors to the North, just announced legislation that will ban the sale, transfer, and purchasing of all handguns in the country and will limit the capacity of all magazines for all firearms in the nation to five rounds.
The move comes just two years after the country completely banned the purchase, transport, import, or use of over 1500 kinds of long guns, including the AR-15 and its variants.
Because Trudeau has formed a strong majority coalition with the even further left-wing NDP party, this legislation is already a done deal, and is expected to be fully implemented by the fall. There is virtually no chance of it falling through.
In the wake of several mass shootings, Communist dictators like Trudeau and several of America’s Communist legislators believe that the answer to mass shootings is to disarm innocent citizens. Let’s be clear: mass shooters do not care about following your stupid gun control laws.
“We’re introducing legislation that would implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. What this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada…other than using firearms for sport shooting and for hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”
In response to the news, Conservative house leader john Brassard told CBC’s Power & Politics:
“The real problem in this country is not the law-abiding firearms owners, who are heavily regulated, heavily-licensed … the real problem in this country has to do with gangs and criminals who are importing firearms, mostly from the United States, using illegal guns on our streets.
Currently, Montana has the highest gun ownership by household in the United States, with two-thirds (64%) of households having at least one firearm. Despite the high ownership, there’s been only one mass shooting in the state in the last decade.
Let Canada be a lesson to our fellow patriots: they are our future if we don’t use every opportunity to entrench good laws and kick out the Democrats and Rino’s from office, lest we one day become like them.
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