Brave Missoula School Board Trustee Stands Up to Colleagues (Video Within)
Many thanks to Roy McKenzie of Missoula County Tyranny for writing on this subject.
It’s about time someone on a school board in Montana took the reigns by the horn and stood up to their colleagues.
“On Tuesday night, the regular meeting of the Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees was suspended by board chair Diane Lorenzen after trustee Mike Gehl declined to wear a mask. An agenda item that was set for discussion was Montana High School Association sports eligibility issues, which the chair mentioned was “popular with the public.”
Currently, the public is still barred from attending in-person meetings of the school board.
Board chair Lorenzen argued that because students and school staff have to wear masks, due to the policies of the school board, everyone should comply.
“I would like the record to reflect that Trustee Gehl has chosen not to wear a mask,” Lorenzen said. “In spite the fact that everyone else in the room is wearing a mask and that the district requires teachers and students to wear masks.”
“Trustee Gehl could I please ask you to wear a mask?” she insisted.
Read the rest of the story here.
Many thanks to Roy McKenzie of Missoula County Tyranny for writing on this subject.
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