A Montana citizen wanted to share a story that all Montanans should take very seriously. As the Bozeman Chronicle refused to publish Anna’s story-in honor of her and her homeland, we at Montana Daily Gazette welcome her views, experiences, and information.
Anna from Gallatin County shares her thanks:
“I’m an immigrant from the USSR, a citizen of the USA. I grew up in the birthplace of a truly democratic socialist society in which “Everyone Is Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others,” a society in which ‘individualism and freedom’ were dirty words because they represented an ‘oppressive culture of capitalist America.”
This Thanksgiving, I want to thank the USA. I’m thankful for the USA for liberating my motherland from socialist slavery. I’m grateful for Americans whose genuine smiles and silly questions helped me and many other immigrants like me endure and overcome the hardships of learning how to live free in a free society. I’m thankful for the USA for demonstrating to the world that individualism, emphasis on individual liberties, the choice of individuals to act and take risks is a key to the success of a society. This is what made the USA exceptionally better than others.
“I’m thankful for Americans who reject collectivism, the ideological foundation of socialism, communism, Maoism, Nazism, religious radicalism, and every other type of fascism.”
“American people helped me and many other immigrants from socialist hells learn to appreciate the values of a free society and enjoy our liberties even when our wrong choices led to harsh consequences. It’s not easy to teach a slave to become free, but it’s impossible to enslave free men who refuse to be enslaved.”
America helped us to free ourselves. Now we will do whatever it takes not to let Americans fall into the trap of slavery, no matter how safe, compassionate, inclusive, and fair this slavery advertises itself to be.
The resident who submitted Anna’s opinion piece then commented-
“I can understand why the Bozeman Chronicle wouldn’t publish Anna’s letter, but we need to share it far and wide.”
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Bravo! Great speech from a true patriot.