Biden is Agreeable-and ‘Parrots’ the Cheer-
“The caller who said “Let’s go, Brandon,” as he ended a Christmas Eve phone call with President Joe Biden claims he has since been threatened over the “joke,” saying that he is “being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech.”
Jared Schmeck, a former Oregon police officer, told The Oregonian that he has received a number of vague but still threatening phone calls following the live stream and media coverage of his call to Biden.
“I understand there is a vulgar meaning to ‘Let’s go, Brandon,’ but I’m not that simple minded, no matter how I feel about him,” Schmeck said.
During the Friday chat, after Schmeck tagged the phrase, Biden responded by saying, “‘Let’s go, Brandon,’ I agree,” despite the phrase being used by critics of the president as a substitute for “F–k Joe Biden.”
The phrase “Let’s go, Brandon” became popular among those critical of the president following a NASCAR race in early October, when an NBC Sports reporter interviewing winning driver Brandon Brown claimed the crowd was shouting “Let’s go, Brandon” when they were actually saying “F–k Joe Biden.”
Schmeck, however, told the Oregon newspaper that he had nothing against Biden but believes the president “can be doing a better job” and that he meant “no disrespect to him.”
The phrase “Let’s go, Brandon” became popular among those critical of the president following a NASCAR race in early October, when an NBC Sports reporter interviewing winning driver Brandon Brown claimed the crowd was shouting “Let’s go, Brandon” when they were actually saying “F–k Joe Biden.”
Schmeck, however, told the Oregon newspaper that he had nothing against Biden but believes the president “can be doing a better job” and that he meant “no disrespect to him.”
You can read the rest of the article here.
Watch this video clip where Joe Biden heartily agrees and repeats, “Let’s Go Brandon.”
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