Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!
We have discovered a new initiative,
Bethel Church in Redding, California, has many ways to make a buck. They need to, as they’ve already broken ground on their brand new $96,000,000 Campus and Apostolic Training Center. To keep the land of milk and honey from growing parched, the 12,000-member Bethel Church has over 90 ministries, many of which seem only to exist to raise capital. We wrote about one yesterday- where they interpret dreams for $125.
We have discovered a new initiative, The Prophetic Lab. The church offers advanced courses on prophesying in a laboratory-ish environment based on their best experiments and prophetic trial and error so that the mildly prophetic can hone and refine their skills using the scientific method, exercises, and experiments they have developed. According to their website:
The Prophetic Lab is an initiative of Aqua Regia, a spiritual intelligence company that unlocks practical solutions for clients through in-depth prophetic reports, briefings, and consultations. The Prophetic Lab was started at Bethel Church in Redding, California.
The Online Prophetic Lab is a highly interactive, virtual experience designed for those interested in honing their ability to hear God’s voice for themselves, others, and solutions. Through prophetic training, experiments, and team exercises, participants will grow in confidence in their prophetic ability.
The Online Lab brings together the best exercises, experiments, and activations we have tested and used to refine our ability to hear God’s voice over the last three years into a single experience.
Cloaked in scientific language, the Prophetic Lab is run by Lindsey Reiman, who is the founder of the spiritual intelligence company Aqua Regia and co-founder of the SQ Institute. The promo states that Reiman spent “years under the mentorship of Bethel Church’s prophetic director, Ben Armstrong, and has personally spearheaded the use of many of the practices taught during the Lab.” Kris Valloton, Bethels’ lead prophet, teaches one of the classes
The Lab is broken into several components:
Investigations. $125
In this portal, the curious can “Submit 1-4 words you have received and one of our prophetic trackers will review them and then spend 1-hour unpacking what we sense God is saying about who you are, what He’s calling you to, how He’s equipped you, and ways you can partner with Him as He moves in your life.”
Book the Lab. $35-$550
“Participants will hone their ability to hear God’s voice for themselves, others, and solutions. This Lab is a safe space to experiment with the prophetic and learn the Biblical foundations of what is possible in our conversations with God…..We’ll work with you to determine where your group is now in their prophetic gifting and where you want to grow. Then we’ll pull from our repertoire of experiments, activations, and teachings to design a custom prophetic lab experience for your group.”
Prophetic Reports. $2200, $2750, Custom
Lastly, the prophetic bigwigs at Bethel will “gather to hear the Lord for an individual, business or city. This is accomplished through a double-blind methodology; the prophetic company has no knowledge of the individual, business or city recipient other than an identifier code.” They have several options:
It’s all very lucrative, gauche, and would leave the money changers in the temple squirming with jealously that they never got the chance to get in on such a racket.