Behind the Scenes Look At Joel Osteen’s $15 Million Dollar Livestream Setup
Based on their numbers, the average service costs around 1.7 million dollars a week to produce.
Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas is a monster church. It’s a 600,000-square-foot, 16,000-seat behemoth located in the former Compaq Center, where the NBA Rockets used to play. Led by impastor Joel Osteen and Impastorette Victoria Osteen, the church has amassed nearly 50,000 members goatlings, has an annual budget of nearly 90 million dollars and has 368 full-time and part-time staff.
Based on their numbers, the average service costs around 1.7 million dollars a week to produce.
Naturally, their backend is heavy on account of their live stream and their production costs, with Sam from Live Production Tips who recently toured the church and did behind-the-scenes pegs it at nearly $15,000,000 in equipment costs alone.
As can be seen in the pictures, which can be enlarged with a click, Lakewood uses 8 cameras to film and livestream the service. This consists of a handful of high end several static ones, a few on a jib, and then a bunch of Steadicam operators cutting in and out production, doing all the closeups of people playing instruments and getting up close and personal with the worship team while on stage, walking in between the musicians while they’re playing.
When editing the feed for mass consumption, Lakewood has 162 different audio channels that need to mixed and adjusted. 162! These include mics for everyone in the band, mics placed near the audience, and ambient mics placed all through the auditorium. In fact, there is someone whose only job is to ensure that every channel is being recorded.
Furthermore, there are dozens of people on staff dedicated just to the production side of things. There are directors, assistant directors, technical directors, editors, mixers, colorists, graphic designers, recorders, lightning guys, lighting assistance, archivists, volunteers, and a host of other paid employees, and all helping recording, cutting, and even remixing the sermons afterward as it goes through extensive post-production before it can be ready to be posted to social media.
Speaking of the lightning, there are hundreds of lights in the room, with tons of fixtures, and light guys will rehearse the lightning show all throughout the week to get it perfect for each service.
All in all, it is an enormous production, and fascinating look into the work at making a hellacious cauldron of false doctrine and goat entrails come alive and spread far and wide.
(NOTE: It appears the corresponding video has since been removed. )