As Trump Endorses Zinke, Zinke’s Wife Says Their Primary Residence is in California, Not Montana
We’ve written at length about Ryan Zinke before, detailing his many acts of malfeasance and shady shenanigans that have followed him his whole career,
We’ve written at length about Ryan Zinke before, detailing his many acts of malfeasance and shady shenanigans that have followed him his whole career, with a few notable examples being the series we recently did on him:
Zinke Files #1: Stolen Valor
Zinke Files #2: Zinke Sought Endorsement from Pro-Abortion, LGBTQ, Illegal Immigration Group
Zinke Files #3: Pay for Play, the Most Corrupt Politician in Montana History
Zinke Files #4: Pro-Abortion Candidate, Evidence is Clear
Zinke Files #5: Fired By Trump, For the Right Reasons
Zinke Files #6: Military Record Exaggerated, Exploited for Disability
Throughout all this, one theme has resonated loud and clear, that Zinke is effectively trying to win a seat from 1000 miles away and can’t even be bothered to come discuss the issues, having opted out of a debate that was sponsored by the Flathead County Republicans, ostensibly for fear of having to answer uncomfortable questions like the ones that have recently emerged.
Tax records obtained by Politico add more fuel to the fire after it was revealed that Zinke’s wife claimed on tax records that her Santa Barbara, California home is her primary residence.
In fact, it’s this very home that has served as their political base, being the chief mailing address for “fundraising invitations, Lola’s own campaign contributions and a business contract his consulting firm filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.” They explain further:
“a tax filing submitted with the Santa Barbara county government shows a homeowner exemption for the California home for the fiscal year that started last July. The exemption, which offers a $7,000 deduction on property value assessments, applies to homes that “must have been the principal place of residence of the owner” at the beginning of the calendar year.
“Where a husband and wife have more than one residence, their principal residence is the residence at the place at which they intend to live permanently,” according to a California state statute.
Politico also reports that “a search through the recorder’s office at Flathead County, where Whitefish is located, shows no homestead declaration for a primary residence for Zinke.” Andrew Hayashi, director of the Virginia Center for Tax Law explains:
“The details for determining residency will depend on the state or local laws, but I would think that it would be a hard sell to any tax authority that the candidate and his wife do not have the same primary residence (assuming they are not separated)”
While Zinke denies that he’s an outsider and deals with the pathological mistrust the people have for politicians who are clearly just visiting, his spirits may have been buoyed by an endorsement of President Trump on Monday, who praised him for the work he did while Interior Secretary, declaring “Ryan has my complete and total endorsement.”
We are big fans of the former President, but this endorsement should have gone to Dr. Al Olszewski. Not only was Zinke unfaithful and untrustworthy to Trump, but he caused scandal wherever he went. Zinke was investigated 18 times in only two years as Interior Secretary for misappropriation of funds, corrupt land deals, personal enrichment, and waste of taxpayer dollars. That’s 18 times out of 24 months, or in other words, 75% of the time he was Interior Secretary he was under investigation. That’s a liability.
Still, Zinke’s pleasure is likely tempered by the fact that those who know Montanans best have been endorsing his opponent, with Olszewski receiving the coveted endorsement by Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA.)
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