(Life News) Arizona abortion facilities have stopped killing unborn babies in abortions after a judge allowed a pre-Roe v. Wade abortion ban to go into effect Friday.
KOLD News 13 reports Planned Parenthood Arizona had to cancel a number of abortion appointments that it had scheduled for this week, although it did not say how many. Other state abortion businesses said they had to do the same.
The law protects unborn babies’ right to life by banning abortions except if the mother’s life is at risk. It is saving as many as 36 babies from abortion every day. For nearly 50 years, Arizona was not allowed to enforce the law, but the overturning of Roe in June changed that.
On Monday, however, Planned Parenthood Arizona president and CEO Brittany Fonteno said they appealed the judge’s ruling, arguing that the situation is confusing because the state also has a 15-week abortion ban.
“The court’s decision has allowed conflicting laws…to continue reading, click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at Life News.