A Posterchild For The Transgender Movement Takes His Own Life
Sadly, this end is all too common for those who engage in transgenderism
Kayleigh Scott, a United Airlines flight attendant, has taken his own life just three years after having his transition story shared as part of a United Airlines advertisement celebrating the 2020 Trans Day of Visibility.
The exposure from the United video brought Scott a measure of internet stardom for his supposed bravery in deciding he was no longer a male but would instead don a wig and masquerade as a female. Scott himself credited the airline for aiding in his gender confusion. “My life changed for the better when I came to United as a flight attendant. With the support from the company, our business resource group for LGBTQ+ employees, and all of my loving co-workers, I was able to break free from the chains that helped me, and to this day, I’m living confidently. It’s my true self.”
Apparently, his confidence had waned considerably since 2020 because in the early morning hours of March 23, 2023, Scott posted this message on Instagram:
After reading Scott’s post, friends of the troubled young man alerted authorities. It was too late, however, as Denver police later found him deceased. Scott was just 25 years old.
Protestia takes no joy in the passing of this young man. Although we stand firmly against all types of sexual immorality and gender confusion, it is nonetheless sad when any lost soul leaves this earth and is catapulted into eternal punishment. It’s creeping influence and impact is not an issue relegated to the secular, but to Christebdom as well. We’ve written about transgender acceptance in Andy Stanley’s church, as well as the Church of England ordaining its first non-binary transgender priest.
Sadly, this end is all too common for those who engage in transgenderism. A recent NIH study found that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves, and 40% have attempted suicide. Although this is troubling, it is not surprising.
Those involved in transgenderism have rejected God and His standards for creation and moral living. As Paul says, they have been given over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28) and have had their conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:2). We pray that those leading this movement to corrupt the minds of young people with this perversion will repent and stop doing evil, and that the Lord would mercifully rescue and redeem anyone lost in this lie.
This article was written by Reverend J.W. Baker, as a guest post for Protestia.