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Were it not for the strangling censorship being imposed upon the voices of righteousness in this society, we wouldn’t be in this position. Please bear with us as we continue to work through the technical challenges of distributing our content on alternative platforms.
We strenuously apologize. Right when it appears we have the hurdles sorted, yet another presents itself. For now we will have to juggle the email blast with embedded articles as has been the format as of late.
Our commitment to daily providing all the news and commentary that big tech and big media would prefer you not see continues.
Thank you very much for your understanding as we continue to navigate these difficult waters in Jesus name.
We Do All the Digging for Banned and Panned News So you Don't Have To...
If true, how many more are there? - ‘The View’ hosts say they had false positive COVID tests
New Yorker Amplifies Calls For Pipeline Bombings To Save The Planet
Glenn Beck: Here's how the 15k Haitians got to our border and WHO they are
JB Hixson: Fake News and the Contrived Right/Left Paradigm
BIDEN FREEFALL: Joe Biden’s Approval Sinks to a New Low at 40% in Latest National Polling
Amid Growing Frustration Among Laypeople, SBC Leadership Finally Call on Ed Litton to Resign
Biden Administration Moves to Protect Obama-Era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program
Southern Baptist Pastor Who Voted Democrat Surprised, Horrified His Party Supports Abortion
BREAKING: Trump Says ‘Extremely Contagious’ Illegals Released into Country
Nancy Pelosi says this week will be “time of intensity” as Dems try to pass three enormous bills
Edible ‘Vaccine’: Why Do They Want to Put mRNA Technology in Lettuce?
Why Were Postal Workers Spying on Social Media Posts About Jan. 6?
Pentagon Preparing for Potential Government Shutdown: Spokesman
Blackburn: Biden ‘Turning Every Town into a Border Town and Every State into a Border State’
Key Trump defense official refutes Blinken, says Trump left Afghan withdrawal plan for Biden
New York Times Invents Yet Another False Story To Smear Trump Administration
Repulsive: John Kerry Accepts China's Genocide to Get Climate Deal
Video: Black Teacher Shows The Racist Swag Bag She Got From Her California School District
Wall Street & Government Corruption: A Recipe For Self-Destruction
Facebook Scraps "Instagram Kids" As Backlash Intensifies
Shocker! Crazy 'Afforable Housing' Referendum Passes In German Election
CDC Director: Loss of Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers Is a ‘Challenge’
Authorities seize super-haul of synthetic opioid potent enough to kill more than 50 million people
GOTCHA! CDC/FDA Proven to Have Known that Gene Jabs and Remdesivir Are Lethal
AT: The United States and the West are in the Grip of Delusional Madness
Watch: Even CNN Calls Out "Patently False" Border Patrol "Whipping"
“How Would You Like to Have Her as Your Wife?” President Trump on Crooked Hillary Clinton
UK Has Ten Days To Save Christmas, Retail Sector Warns
It’s fake news that the Maricopa audit proves Biden won
Scottish Commentator Neil Oliver Sees World Leaders as “Frightened of Their Own People”
Democrats And The Art Of Distraction: Forget About The Border, Look At The Horses
Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Weeks Away
Why Is the Biden Administration So Afraid of the Press?
Anthony Fauci’s Documentary Bombed So Badly, Nobody Is Releasing the Numbers
California Gov. Signs Bill Allowing Children to Hide Sex Operations and Abortions from Parents
11 hours ago Curated Post
(Washington Examiner) California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two bills on Wednesday relating to abortion rights, with both helping children hide medical information from parents.
The first bill, AB 1356, will create new offenses arising from recording or photographing patients or providers within 100 feet of the entrance to a reproductive health services facility. The other, AB 1184, will keep patient information confidential for patients who are not the primary policyholder for their health insurance. Healthcare services that patients can keep confidential include “reproductive health care and gender-affirming care,” according to the governor’s statement .00:36/01:16
“California has been a leader in protecting access to sexual and reproductive rights, but as we’ve seen recently with unprecedented attacks on these rights, we can and must do more. I applaud the establishment of the California Future of Abortion Council and look forward to its important work to advance our state’s leadership on this vital issue. I’m proud today to sign these two bills that demonstrate our dedication to strengthening and further protecting access to reproductive health care services in California.”
To continue reading, click here
Relevant Magazine: “The Church Should Listen to non-Christians in order to Understand how we can be a Light to the World”
Last we heard of Relevant Magazine, that liberal rag slurped up by seeker-sensitive 20-somethings that populate megachurch corner offices, along with Emerging Church ex-pats wanting to relive the glory days, it was to talk about the fact that one of their regular contributors is a pro-choice ‘Unitarian Universalist’
The magazine will claim they’re not “that progressive” and push back on claims that they are outside the bounds of the Christian faith or have descended into a vat of crippling heresy, while at the same time platforming and promoting the theological musings from, and I repeat, a Unitarian Universalist. Even after he was exposed, they still have him on the books, writing articles for them, the revelation of this theological scumbaggery and heresies not disqualifying.
In a new article on “the benefits of listening to non-Christians“, author Ben White laments the fact that Christians have become associated with Trump, being indifferent to Black Lives Matter, associated with the anti-vaxx movement, and have refused to close their church doors during the pandemic, explaining that this is akin to “wearing noise-cancelling headphones as we roam the streets of America, preaching and shouting.”
Using the latter example, he blast John MacArthur for opening Grace Community Church up and fighting against California for months to stay open, noting that “his actions suggested to the secular media that he “doesn’t care about…[people’s] wellbeing.”
He goes on to explain that actions like these “damage evangelicalism’s public credibility” and show a disregard for God’s Word. As a result, Christians are not seen as “reputable to outsiders.”
If American evangelicalism is to improve its witness in the 2020s, we need to cultivate a special kind of listening, where we do not simply endure the opinions of non-Christians to be polite. We listen to learn how to embody Jesus to our world.
White ultimately surmises that we need to listen to what pagans are telling us is making us look bad, and incorporate their perspectives into our considerations in how we act, using Romans 12: 17 “not return evil for evil but consider what is good in the sight of all people” to explain that Paul “allows the world’s perception to play a role in what Christians do.” We need to not just be about advocating for “prolife causes” but rather find something the world is against and join them in that. He concludes:
“We have to pay more attention to the world and more often be its loving advocate rather than its sworn enemy.”
Documentary ‘Send Proof’ Released, Ft Charismatics Giving ‘Evidence’ of ‘Supernatural’ ‘Healing’
On Sept 14th, 2021, the documentary ‘Send Proof’ was released, featuring a ‘who’s who’ of false charismatic faith healers, including Hillsong’s Brian Houston, Shawn Bolz, Heidi Baker, and Randy Clark.
Collectively these men and women have not healed a single person, on account of their atrocious heresies and theology, and yet the video purports to show them as the best evidence for healers that Christendom has to offer, with the four of them collectively alleging to have healed thousands if not tens of thousands of people from cancer, blindness, regrown legs, back backs, short legs, deafness, and a couple of resurrections for good measure. The film’s promotional material reads:
Follow Elijah Stephens in his search for evidence surrounding miracles. When his former pastor leaves the faith, Stephens finds his own worldview falling apart, and embarks on a journey to find proof for the supernatural. Along the way, he encounters sharp atheists and skeptics but also finds others who claim to have evidence for miraculous healings.
Apart from the NAR folk, the film likewise brings on famous atheist skeptics (and notably no cessationists Christians) to refute the believers, all who are adamant that miracles do not take place.
The film disagrees, offering up one example as proof being Heidi Baker, a New Apostolic Reformation ‘Miracle Worker’ and Apostlette. Researchers headed down to Pemba, Mozambique which is the headquarters of their Iris Global Missions Base ministry to test the veracity of the known “healer.” There, researchers tested 24 people before and after Baker prayed for healing.
They concluded that unlike Jesus or Paul who performed miracles and healed the sick and dying, seeing instant, indisputable, complete and permanent healings, after Baker’s prayer, further testing only allegedly detected “statistically significant improvements in hearing and vision.”
The video is available for download for 15$, but we have no intention of watching it.
Bonus. One of the healers, Randy Clark, getting wild with the Holy Ghost
Prominent SBC Pastor Shocked That Dems are Pro-Abortion After he Voted for Them
Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas- a man constantly embroiled in threats to leave the SBC if they try to stop CRT from blooming within the denomination, is acting shocked and surprises that ‘Dems’s gonna Dem,’ after the demonic political party’s house caucus voted 218-1 in favor of passing a federal law that enshrines and entrenches a right to abortion up until birth.
This prompted the pastor who voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020, to jump on social media to express how “betrayed” and “disrespected” he felt that they would do such a thing, despite them promising all through the campaign that they would.
No kidding, Dude. What did you think was going to happen? You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. It’s not betrayal if they told you they were going to do it.
Child sacrifice is a sacrament to these folks. The fact that McKissic is clutching his chest with mouth agape is a gross indictment against his ability to string together a rational thought without revealing what a seared conscience he has.
McKissic goes on to claim that Democrats are better at “justice issues” but fails to recognize a few salient facts. Chiefly: that openly declaring that you want women to have the right to chemical and surgical abortions so that these dead-eyed doctors can take their scissors and forceps and lop off limbs while turning the babies brains into a frothy slurry of blood and bone is a “justice issue.”
McKissic consistently comes down way harder on the GOP than the Dems for nearly all their policy positions, but the last time we checked, Republicans weren’t publicly calling for a law that enshrines and entrenches the right to castrate black folk, lynch them, and set their bodies on fire, which is about as parallel an example of this 218-1 vote you’re going to get.
The fact that he castigates the GOP policies as being about as perverse and mephistophelean as you can get, all the while framing the torture and scrambling of these little ones in the womb as merely “objectionable,” shows how “heartbreaking” he really thinks it is.
Woke Bozeman Students and City Leaders Spout False Climate Change Information.
Students marched from the school to the Gallatin County Courthouse, chanting their message: “We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.”
Sorry kids, but you’re wrong. Except for the part about “another world is possible.” You got part of that right. Another heaven and earth will be coming someday, a new heaven and a new earth.
Read here about Woke Bozeman teens.
“Two candidates for the Bozeman City Commission who are running in this November’s municipal election — Joseph Morrison and Christopher Coburn — also spoke at the rally.
As I’ve been campaigning, I’ve gotten to talk to folks in this community who are afraid for the next summer, or the summer after that,” Morrison said. “They are afraid for us to run out of water. They are afraid for when the forests burn a little too close to our city.
Terry Cunningham, Bozeman’s deputy mayor, also spoke at the rally. He is running to become mayor of Bozeman in the election this November.
Cunningham touted Bozeman’s Climate Action Plan, which he said was finalized with help from young climate activists in Bozeman.”
They challenged us to always be better, and the climate action plan that they developed is the most aggressive one of any city in Montana,” he said. “And it’s still not good enough.”
Read the full story here.
These teens and adults are deceived. One main reason the ‘forests are burning’ is because environmentalists won’t allow the forest floor to be cleaned up. There are liberal laws and policies in place everywhere.
Answers in Genesis has the real answers, not a group of Greta Thunberg enthusiasts.
“In reality, only a small sampling of climate scientists believe we are facing imminent doom. Furthermore, thousands of scientists with climate-related degrees have sent letters and signed petitions arguing against a climate crisis, further emphasizing that the scientific community can’t reach a consensus on the issue.
So why all the insistence on anxiety and panic?
Secular scientists approach the climate debate from an unbiblical perspective, believing that humans alone manage the rising temperatures. Certainly, when we have clear evidence that we are abusing creation, we should take action to correct it. But Christians know that God designed our magnificently complex climate and has promised that the present earth will be inhabitable until he creates a new heaven and a new earth (Isaiah 65:17).”
Click here to read the truth about climate change and other fascinating facts.
Candace Owens-Terrance Williams: “They aren’t Proud of Black People They Can’t Control.”
Terrence Williams is an overcomer. Among his people, he shines as a leader and independent thinker. But many in the black community shun Williams due to his conservative ideologies.
“They are not proud of black people they can’t control. If they can’t control you, they will never be proud of you,” Williams told Owens.
“Actor and comedian Terrence K. Williams joined conservative commentator Candace Owens on the Daily Wire’s latest episode of Candace. The two discussed how Williams got his start, what his experience in foster homes was like and how his adopted parents changed his life, and his upcoming comedy tour, Laugh at Your Own Risk.
Williams said it’s time to quit “blaming the white man for everything.”
We can all blame somebody for something. But what is that going to do? Is it going to help you? Is it going to change anything, blaming someone?” he asked.
He said, “I understand that people grow up and they have a hard life, but there comes a time when you have to start taking responsibility. I mean, me growing up in foster care, I could blame my momma, I could blame my daddy, I could blame the system. I could play the blame game my whole life, but that doesn’t help me.”
Williams rose to success as a businessman and a comedian, but he is disrespected by many.
“Williams said it’s “pretty disgusting” when left-wing activists scream “black excellence,” instructing allies to support black-owned businesses and black men and black women when he wasn’t backed by the same community. “I didn’t get that support from them. All because I was a conservative. All because I supported President Trump. So I was really caught by surprise,” Williams explained.
They are not proud of black people they can’t control. If they can’t control you, they will never be proud of you. They have to control you. You have to follow after them. You have to stand in line and do what they say. When they say jump, you’re supposed to say, ‘How high?’ And if you don’t say, ‘How high?’ they don’t support you anymore. They just throw you away,” the well-known Trump supporter said.”
Read his story here and watch a video of his story here.