6 Year Old ‘Preemie’ With Prior Trauma Highly Abused-
“He was perfectly fine and then he wasn’t,”
Tragically Milo’s mother was manipulated by the medical establishment. What you are about to read will anger you. The best thing to do is protest these measures in every county in the U.S. and in front of these clinics and hospitals that are abusing our nation’s children.
Milo Edberg is a six-year-old child who received the COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 10. Two days later, he was back in the hospital, where he remains, unable to even swallow his own saliva.
“He was perfectly fine and then he wasn’t,” his mother, Carrie, told Alpha News.
Milo’s life has never been easy. Born a micro-preemie at just 23 weeks, he’s battled chronic lung disease his entire life. Despite his struggles, however, he learned to walk and his mother said he was alert and expressive in early December when a doctor at M Health Fairview’s Masonic Children’s Hospital decided that he needed the COVID vaccine.
He was in the hospital for a port placement to help with some blood sugar issues. That port placement was considered minor surgery and all went well.
Milo’s mother said she didn’t want her son to get the shot. Only three Minnesota children under the age of 10 have died of the virus since the coronavirus pandemic began two years ago — yet his doctor said that he was at special risk of having a severe case.
Ultimately, Carrie abided by the doctor’s recommendation after being told that the shot was safe and harmless. “I went against my gut and said OK, do it,” she said.
You can read the rest of the tragic story here. This article was first published by Alpha News Staff at Alpha News.
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